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Image by Hayrullah Gozcu

What is wrong with my Tree/Plant?

We answer some basic questions and how we can help.

What is wrong with my Tree?

When looking at a tree, we try to understand all of the issues surrounding your tree. Many times, it is a simple answer, but for issues that are more complicated, we will recommend soil, tissue, or water sampling.
Samples help us better understand what is happening below the surface when there is nothing visible to show a specific issue.

How do I fix my plant?

Sometimes, the easiest fix is to replace a plant. This really depends on what the diagnosis is. An adjustment to the soil, the water, or a proper planting plan can help save many plants.
It is best to investigate the plant and the surrounding area to see what may be the issue.

How can you help me and my plants?

What we can do for you is take samples in for testing to qualified labs and get a diagnosis. It can be anything from a plant disease, fungus, water issue, soil issue, or nutrient issue. By confirming this using a laboratory that specializes in these issues, we can create a plan to improve many characteristics that are harmful, sub-optimal, or causing severe issues with your plants or trees.

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