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  • Writer's pictureChristopher Arend

The Limitations of Certification: Why Experience and Understanding Matter in Professional Tree Care

The ISA Certified Arborist credential is a widely recognized achievement that demonstrates a strong foundation of knowledge and understanding in the field of arboriculture. However, it is important to note that certification alone does not make someone a professional arborist. In addition to certification, experience and understanding of trees are crucial components of being a professional arborist.

To become an ISA Certified Arborist, individuals must go through a process that includes meeting certain eligibility requirements, passing a certification exam, completing continuing education requirements, and renewing their certification every three years. The eligibility requirements include having a minimum of three years of full-time work experience in the field of arboriculture or a bachelor's degree in a related field such as forestry or horticulture. The certification exam covers a wide range of topics related to arboriculture, including tree biology, tree identification, tree selection and planting, tree care practices, tree hazard assessment, and tree-related legal issues. To maintain their certified status, ISA Certified Arborists must complete a certain number of continuing education credits every three years. These credits can be earned through various activities such as attending conferences, workshops, or seminars, or participating in online training programs.

While certification is certainly a valuable credential, it is not the only factor to consider when hiring a professional arborist. It is also important to consider the individual's level of experience and understanding of trees, as well as their ability to provide reliable, high-quality tree care services. A professional arborist should have a deep understanding of the specific needs of different tree species, as well as the potential impacts of various management practices on tree health and longevity. This understanding can only be gained through hands-on experience working with trees and learning about their biology and ecology.

The ISA Certified Arborist credential is a valuable achievement, it is not the only indicator of a professional arborist. Experience and understanding of trees are also essential components of being a professional in this field. When hiring an arborist, it is important to consider not only their certification, but also their level of experience ensure that you are getting the highest quality tree care services.

Man standing in front of a tree looking at a tablet. Caption says "Why certification alone isn't enough. The imposrtance of experience and understanding in professional tree care.
The Limitations of Certification: Why Experience and Understanding Matter in Professional Tree Care

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