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  • Writer's pictureChristopher Arend

Plant Growth Regulators: Application Timing

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

In many homes among Californians, the Olive tree is a welcome focal plant. The issue that many have is they are told it is a "Fruitless" plant. What many of them are are either former field trees that have diminished in fruit production so they "fruit less" than a more immature specimen. There are other varieties of olive that are also "fruit-less" but will still bare fruit. These trees then become known for having nuisance fruit.

In Plant Health Care (PHC) we utilize many methods to minimize the impact of nuisance fruits. Depending on the plant, the use of Growth Regulators becomes a very powerful tool in cutting back on the impact of the fruits. Olive trees in particular, we have methods of using growth regulators where they can be treated in the beginning of the year through a basal bark application or throughout the flowering season using a foliar application. I'll explain the methods of each application.

With a basal bark application, you are applying the chemical to the tree through the bark. Often times this is used as when the trees are either very tall, or an application to the foliage or the canopy is difficult due to location, nearby plants or structures. In the case of olives, this is applied in the early part of the flowering season to limit the amount of time watching for the bracts (a modified or specialized leaf, especially one associated with a reproductive structure such as a flower, inflorescence axis or cone scale).

A foliar application is done when either timing was not right on a basal bark application, or when the tree's are easily accessible and there is minimal chance of other targets to be affected. To determine if a foliar application is right, access to or the ability to spray all parts of the canopy is important as well as timing of the application to where the flowers are just starting to form. If you are too early or two late, you will likely get those fruits.

There are consumer grade products available at your local supplier and online as well. It is IMPORTANT to READ the LABEL and DIRECTIONS to ensure you are applying correctly and safely. Always wear the correct PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and know what to do in case of accidents or exposure.

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