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  • Writer's pictureChristopher Arend

5 Reasons to Consider Hiring a Consulting Arborist

As a business owner or executive, you may be considering hiring a consulting arborist to provide expert advice and guidance on the care and maintenance of your trees. While there can be many benefits to working with a consulting arborist, there are also some potential drawbacks that you should consider before making a decision.

One of the main benefits of working with a consulting arborist is that they can provide specialized expertise and knowledge on the care and treatment of trees. This can be especially valuable if your property has large or mature trees that require specialized care to remain healthy and safe. A consulting arborist can provide valuable insights and guidance on how to properly prune, fertilize, and treat your trees to prevent or address health issues.

Another benefit of working with a consulting arborist is that they can provide an objective perspective on the condition of your trees. Because consulting arborists are not part of your organization, they can offer a fresh perspective on the health and safety of your trees. This can be especially valuable when dealing with complex or sensitive issues, as a consulting arborist can provide unbiased advice and recommendations.

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to working with a consulting arborist. One potential drawback is the cost. Consulting arborists can be expensive, especially if you need to bring in multiple arborists to assess different trees on your property. This can be a significant expense for your organization, especially if the project is not successful or the arborist's advice is not implemented.

Another potential drawback is that consulting arborists may not have a deep understanding of your property and the specific trees on it. Because consulting arborists are not part of your organization, they may not have the same level of knowledge and understanding of your property and its trees. This can make it difficult for them to provide tailored and effective advice.

In conclusion, there can be many benefits to working with a consulting arborist, including specialized expertise and an objective perspective on the health of your trees. However, there are also potential drawbacks, including cost and a lack of knowledge about your property and its trees. As a business owner or executive, it's important to carefully weigh the pros and cons of working with a consulting arborist before making a decision.

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